The Relationship Between Coaching leadership and Self-efficacy in Career Decisions Perceived by Student Athletes: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of The Time perspective 학생선수들이 지각하는 지도자 리더십과 진로결정 자기효능감의 관계: 시간에 대한 관점을 매개효과로
박유진 Park Yu-jin , 안재웅 Ahn Jae-woong , 문주희 Moon Ju-hee , 황진 Hwang Jean
The Relationship Between Coaching leadership and Self-efficacy in Career Decisions Perceived by Student Athletes: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of The Time perspective 학생선수들이 지각하는 지도자 리더십과 진로결정 자기효능감의 관계: 시간에 대한 관점을 매개효과로
박유진 Park Yu-jin , 안재웅 Ahn Jae-woong , 문주희 Moon Ju-hee , 황진 Hwang Jean
The purpose of this study is to look at the mediating effects of the time perspective on the relationship between Coaching leadership perceived by student athletes and Self-efficacy in career decisions. A survey was conducted by visiting middle and high schools in J area, and using the final 281 copies of data, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation and regression analysis, and mediation analysis were performed. In the results, First, Coaching leadership, the time perspective and self-efficacy in career decisions were found to have significant correlations overall. Second, the positive rewards for Coaching leadership and the future-oriented perspective of the view of time have a significant impact on self-efficacy in career decisions. Third, the time perspective partially mediates self-efficacy in career decisions and Coaching leadership.
Key Words
지도자 리더십, 시간에 대한 관점, 진로결정 자기효능감, Coaching leadership, The time perspective, Self-efficacy in career decisions
A Case Study on the Experience of an Elementary School Teacher-researcher’s Athletics Practical Class 초등학교 교사연구자의 육상실기 강의 경험에 관한 사례연구
A Case Study on the Experience of an Elementary School Teacher-researcher’s Athletics Practical Class 초등학교 교사연구자의 육상실기 강의 경험에 관한 사례연구
장병권 Byungkweon Chang
This study was conducted to share case of elementary school teacher-researcher’s athletics practical class. For this purpose, 56 students of H university located in C province (male:27, female:29) were selected as participants. And 7∼ 8 classes of elementary school teacher-researcher’s athletics practical class divided in three. Four students (male:2, female:2) were selected as major information providers. Data were collected through document review, open questionnaire, participatory observation, and in-depth interviews, and analyzed through case description and inductive category analysis. Multi-angle analysis, review among members, and expert consultation were used to secure authenticity. As a result of the analysis, elementary school teacher-researcher’s athletics practical class were categorized into ‘Don’t worry. You’, ‘The answer is always in the field’, ‘Teacher-researcher who grows together’. Through this study, it was confirmed that the practical knowledge of elementary school teacher-researchers can be utilized in the athletics practical class of elementary school preservice teachers. As a future task, it is necessary to share the experience of practical class in various subjects operated by the elementary school teacher-researcher.
Key Words
초등학교, 교사연구자, 육상실기, 사례연구, Elementary school, Teacher-researcher, Athletics practical, Case study
Relationship Among Mindset, Athlete Engagement, and Athlete Adherence and Intention to Dropout of Elite Student Athletes 엘리트 학생선수의 마인드셋과 운동열의, 선수지속 및 포기의도의 관계
Relationship Among Mindset, Athlete Engagement, and Athlete Adherence and Intention to Dropout of Elite Student Athletes 엘리트 학생선수의 마인드셋과 운동열의, 선수지속 및 포기의도의 관계
소영호 So¸ Young-ho
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among mindset, athlete engagement, and athlete adherence and intention to dropout of elite student athletes. The subjects of this study were 246 physical education high school athletes. With the collected data multiple regression and mediation regression analysis were performed by SPSS 23.0. The results of the analysis were summarized as follows. First, the growth mindset has a positive effect on confidence, dedication, vigor, and enthusiasm, but the fixed mindset has a negative effect on confidence and dedication. Also the growth mindset has a positive effect on intention to athlete adherence, but negative effect on intention to dropout. And the fixed mindset has a positive effect on intention to dropout. Second, the confidence and enthusiasm has a positive effect on intention to athlete adherence, and the dedication and enthusiasm has a negative effect on intention to dropout. Third, the athlete engagement was revealed to function as a complete mediating effect on the relationship between growth mindset and athlete adherence and intention to dropout, and the relationship between fixed mindset and intention to athlete adherence. And the athlete engagement was revealed to function as a partial mediating effect on the relationship between fixed mindset and intention to dropout. These results mean that improved their athlete engagement and intention to athlete adherence through growth mindset of elite student athletes, while the fixed mindset reduces athlete engagement, improves intention to dropout. And the athlete engagement was revealed to mediated effect on the relationship between growth and fixed mindset and athlete adherence and intention to dropout.
Key Words
성장 마인드셋, 고정 마인드셋, 운동열의, 선수지속 및 포기의도, growth mindset, fixed mindse, athlete engagement, athlete adherence and intention to dropout
The Gap between Recognition and Practice on Sport Ethics Seen in Philosophical Perspectives: focusing on Match-Fixing 철학적 관점에서 본 스포츠 윤리 인식과 실천의 괴리: 승부조작을 중심으로
The Gap between Recognition and Practice on Sport Ethics Seen in Philosophical Perspectives: focusing on Match-Fixing 철학적 관점에서 본 스포츠 윤리 인식과 실천의 괴리: 승부조작을 중심으로
김영호 Young Ho Kim
This study was designed to delve into the root causes of unethical behaviors in sports settings. To achieve the purpose of the study, it tried to derive empirical interpretation from the ethical-philosophical approach. Thus, applying the conventional methodology of the ethical-philosophical study, so-called theoretical research, the author provided empirical data to reinforce the objectiveness of the findings. Since it is too broad to deal with all the cases of unethical issues in sports settings, it focused on only sports match-fixing in Korean elite amateur sports. Collected data was things reused from the existing study, and it was analyzed via the hierarchical approach, a conventional method of qualitative research. The concepts of deontology and teleology were used as theoretical frames to interpret the data. The findings show the significant factors causing match-fixing as follows: lack of universal moral principles, lack of human rights, abuse of social virtue, and lack of consciousness to participate in the common good.
Key Words
스포츠 윤리, 의무론, 목적론, 승부조작, 엘리트 아마추어 스포츠, Sport ethics, Deontology, Teleology, Match-fixing, Elite amateur sport
Exploring the School PE Classes Design for Systematic Review of Covid-19 Physical Education 코로나19 체육수업의 체계적 문헌 분석을 통한 학교체육수업 운영 방안 탐색
Exploring the School PE Classes Design for Systematic Review of Covid-19 Physical Education 코로나19 체육수업의 체계적 문헌 분석을 통한 학교체육수업 운영 방안 탐색
손혁준 Son¸ Hyukjun
The purpose of this study was to provide a systematic literature review of PE classes after Covid-19 and examine the current state of online PE classes for exploring future directions. According to the research protocol of systematic literature review, data were collected from KCI(Korea Citation Index) and selected(n=16) based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The selected studies was analyzed using the theoretical framework which was developed through Koehler & Mishra’s (2009) TPACK and proposed new online PE classes model. The findings were categorized into: a) PE teachers had difficulty with online PE classes, b) online PE teaching types have the strengths and weakness, c) online PE classes’s contents evaluation methods. Firstly, PE teachers had difficulty due to ‘negative perceptions of online PE classes, lack of technology knowledge, and lack of student learning check and interaction strategies’. The online PE teaching types have the strengths and weakness, and PE classes consisted of individule activities and using simple tools. PE teachers had various types of evaluation tools according to the online platform, class type, and the teacher’s technological knowledge level. Based on this we discussed ‘Online PE class 2.0’ of ‘indoor movement recording type, outdoor exercise sharing type, virtual activity coexistence type’ as a new online PE model of online-offline dual instruction. This model was selected and used according to the school educational environment and the level of technological knowledge of teachers.
Key Words
코로나19, 온라인 체육수업, 체육수업 운영 방안, Covid-19, Online physical education class, Physical education classes design
The Activation Strategy of School Sport Club Utilizing SWOT-AHP Analysis SWOT-AHP분석을 활용한 학교스포츠클럽 운영 활성화 전략
김동현 Kim Donghyun , 권용철 Kwon Yongchul , 조건상 Cho Gunsang
The Activation Strategy of School Sport Club Utilizing SWOT-AHP Analysis SWOT-AHP분석을 활용한 학교스포츠클럽 운영 활성화 전략
김동현 Kim Donghyun , 권용철 Kwon Yongchul , 조건상 Cho Gunsang
The purpose of this study is to derive necessary strategies for revitalizing the operation of school sports clubs in the future through environmental analysis of school sports clubs. To this end, an expert group related to the school sports club was formed, and a strategy to activate the operation of the school sports club was presented through SWOT analysis, AHP analysis, and expert meetings. As a result of SWOT analysis, the school sports club environment was derived into three sub-factors, each of strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat. As a result of AHP analysis, Enhancement of physical strength and character development through physical activity, which belong to strength factors, had the highest importance, followed by Activation of physical education for life and laying the foundation for lifelong sports, Forming physical activity habits and enhancement of positive awareness of sports. Strategies to revitalize school sports club operation through expert meetings include: First, establishment of a linkage system between school sports club systems; Second, establishment of a win-win relationship with the school sports department; Third, operation of a sports culture education completion system; Fourth, the establishment and support of the school sports club committee within the school.
Key Words
학교스포츠클럽, 환경분석, SWOT-AHP분석, School sports clubs, Environmental analysis, SWOT-AHP analysis
The Effects of Core Stabilization Exercise on Trunk Muscle Activation and Isokinetic Muscular Strength in the Throwers High School Athletic 코어 안정화 트레이닝 프로그램이 고등학생 투척 선수의 요부 근활성도 및 등속성 근력에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Core Stabilization Exercise on Trunk Muscle Activation and Isokinetic Muscular Strength in the Throwers High School Athletic 코어 안정화 트레이닝 프로그램이 고등학생 투척 선수의 요부 근활성도 및 등속성 근력에 미치는 영향
이명선 Myungsun Lee
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of core stabilization exercise on trunk muscle activation and isokinetic muscular strength in the throwers high school athletic. In order to accomplish the purpose of this study, Participants were divided into two groups : experimental(n=9) and control group(n=9). The experimental group was requested to participate in a Core Stabilization Exercise program(60 min / 3 times a week / 12 weeks) while control group didn’t participate in this program. The data was analyzed through a Covariance analysis by using SPSS WIN 23.0 program. The results of the study were as follow. Firstly, Core Stabilization Exercise program participation had significantly improve on external obliques, Rectus abdominis, Latissimus dorsi, Multifidus, backbone erector. Secondly, Core Stabilization Exercise program participation had significantly improve on isokinetic muscular strength.
A Case Study of the Operation of an Elementary School Health and Fitness Class Using a Virtual Reality Sports Room 가상현실 스포츠실을 활용한 초등학교 건강체력교실 운영 사례 연구
박세원 Park Se-won , 배명훈 Bae Myung-hoon , 김영식 Kim Young-sik
The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for normalization of health and fitness class operation by analyzing the case of operating a health and fitness class using a virtual reality sports room. For this purpose, the case of operating a health and fitness class at C Elementary School in a small and medium-sized city for 12 weeks in the first semester of 2021 was selected as a research subject. PAPS results, student/parent satisfaction survey results, student interview videos, students’ writings/drawings, and field notes were collected as research materials. And the data were analyzed by deductive content analysis and iterative comparative analysis. According to the results of the study, first, in the physical aspect, the PAPS composite score of the students who participated in the health and fitness class was 2.4 times higher than that of the students who did not participate, and in particular, the greatest effect was found in strength and muscular endurance. Second, in the emotional aspect, confidence in physical activity was improved, and it had a positive effect on friendships. In addition, negative perceptions about physical activity were converted into positive ones, and healthy and regular physical activity lifestyles were formed through steady physical activity participation. Third, for the development of the health and fitness class operation program, it was proposed to increase the number of participation grade, increase the operating hours, increase the publicity of the program, and strengthen the connection between the content and the PAPS.
Key Words
가상현실 스포츠실, 초등학교, 건강체력교실, 사례 연구, Virtual reality sports room, Elementary school, Health and fitness class, Case study
The Recognition and Experience in Research Ethics of Doctorate Students Specialized in Physical Education and Kinesiology 연구 윤리에 대한 체육전공 박사과정 대학원생의 인식과 체험
The Recognition and Experience in Research Ethics of Doctorate Students Specialized in Physical Education and Kinesiology 연구 윤리에 대한 체육전공 박사과정 대학원생의 인식과 체험
강성민 Kang¸ Sung-min
The purpose of this study was to examine the recognition of research ethics and its changes according to research experience of doctorate students specialized in physical education and kinesiology. In order to achieve the objective, three research questions were developed, and two doctorate students were selected through purposeful sampling. Data were collected through interviews with each subject and papers written by them. An inductive category analysis was conducted with the collected data to draw three higher-order-themes, and the research results were written based on them. As a result of analyzing the interviews with the research participants and their thesis, the interviewees recognized research ethics as necessary for conducting research, but thought compliance with research ethics as a formal requirement in the research process. In addition, the subjects went through changes in their perception of the importance of research ethics from various research experiences, and the change in perception had an effect on the research process and results. Their change of recognition was caused by the influence of their direct research experience and a role model rather than by the related courses. The Korean community for physical education and kinesiology as a part of the academic community should put an emphasis on the importance of research ethics and make practical endeavor such as including the subject of research ethics in the regular curricula in order to enhance the integrity of research and to inherit valuable academic traditions for graduate students, the future generation of the academia, and to cultivate authorship as virtue.
Key Words
연구 윤리, 체육, 체육학, 연구의 진실성, 덕, Research ethics, Physical education, Kinesiology, Integrity of research, Virtue
The Process of Introducing Jeong Do-sul by the Special Guard Team 특별경호대의 정도술 도입과정
The Process of Introducing Jeong Do-sul by the Special Guard Team 특별경호대의 정도술 도입과정
안용길 Ahn¸ Yong Kil
This paper examined the process of introducing Jeong Do-sul into the Special Guard Team from the perspective of martial arts history. The research method used literature and oral history studies. Through this, it was possible to confirm the meaningful facts that existed in our modern martial arts history in the process of introducing Jeong Do-sul. The introduction of Jeong Do-sul by the SGT came around the 1970s when the national level was seeking practical martial arts as a countermeasure to terrorism at home and abroad. At the time of adoption, Jeong Do-sul was a non-institutional martial arts, but the practical synthesis of the technical system inherent in Jeong Do-sul was evaluated as a martial arts suitable for counter-terrorism security units, serving as a condition for the introduction of SGT. The demonstration of Jeong Do-sul, a special invitation to the Blue House, was an important turning point in the introduction of Jeong Do-sul by the SGT, and President Park Chung-hee’s intention played a role in the process. Jeong Do-sul was introduced into the SGT in 1977 and trained as a strategic training course for members who will perform special duties until 2004, and has functioned as Defense and Bodyguard martial arts for 27 years in our modern history.
Key Words
경호무술, 국방무술, 정도술, 종합무술, 특별경호대, Bodyguard martial arts, National defense martial arts, Jeong do-sul, General martial arts, SGT
Sports from a Mimesis Perspective: Focusing on Adorno Mimesis 미메시스(mimesis) 관점에서 본 스포츠: 아도르노 미메시스를 중심으로
Sports from a Mimesis Perspective: Focusing on Adorno Mimesis 미메시스(mimesis) 관점에서 본 스포츠: 아도르노 미메시스를 중심으로
맹민정 Maeng Min-chung , 이경숙 Lee Kyung-sook
The purpose of this study is to explore sports from the point of view of Adorno Mimesis and draw an argument for it. For Adorno, mimesis can be said to be about the relationship between the player and the coach, and the position of the player and the coach is always fluid and always coexists with autonomy and heteronomy. In addition, the player’s mimesis experience is a direct experience and is created through empathy made in relationship formation. The empathy shown in the mimetic relationship between the coach and the player is the mimetic ability of empathy for others. Also, the mimetic impulse accepts others based on their empathy. Leaders and players find similarities through mimesis, and mutual empathy is achieved through mimesis relationship formation, which can be expressed as an expression of Adorno’s experience of identification with subjects and objects. In conclusion, first, in sports, when a leader approaches an athlete while performing a mimesis of object dominance, it is a relationship that assimilates into the athlete’s position through acceptance of the batter. Second, the players also get their own creative results by repeating the process of mimesis collision, denial, and reconciliation between existing and new technologies while doing self-reflection. This is the product of sincerity to show the true value of sports from the perspective of Adorno Mimesis.
Conceptualization of the Construct of Perceived Empathy by Youth Football Players 청소년 축구선수가 지각한 공감의 구성개념
정구인 Jung Kooin , 최헌혁 Hunhyuk Choi
The purpose of this study is to explore the conceptual structure of empathy perceived by youth football players. To accomplish the purpose of the study open-ended questions were conducted on 173 youth football players(87 general high schools, 86 pro-youth football teams). Specifically, the responses to the open-ended questionnaires on empathy were classified and categorized according to the language analysis procedure through content analysis or semantic analysis. The core contents were structured to sufficiently include various responses regardless of the level of analysis. The results are as follows: among youth football player empathy is composed of interpersonal relationship, cognitive, affective, and attitudinal dimensions. The findings of this study contribute to the football players who are based on the components of empathy that are identified in them where team unity is important. Therefore, it is expected that the interpersonal problems between all members including leaders and players will be solved wisely and plans will be prepared to strengthen the level of empathy between leaders and players.
Exploring the Distance Learning Experience of Physical Education University Professor: Focusing on the Theoretical Class 체육대학 교수자의 온라인 원격수업 경험에 대한 탐색: 이론수업을 중심으로
Exploring the Distance Learning Experience of Physical Education University Professor: Focusing on the Theoretical Class 체육대학 교수자의 온라인 원격수업 경험에 대한 탐색: 이론수업을 중심으로
이경진 Lee Kyung Jin , 김동학 Kim Dong Hak
The purpose of this study was to help government ministries and university institutions prepare effective distance learning operation plans and to provide basic data based on a deep understanding of the positive and negative functions of distance learning and its application in physical education theorical classes. For this, this study analyzed the in-depth experiences of 5 physical education university professors who conducted distance classes after COVID-19. To analyze the collected data, the inductive analysis method was used to classify concepts and categories by domain after verifying that the transcribed data matches the recorded data through the writing task. The results of this study could be summarized as follows: First, in the perception of physical education professors about the distance learning in theoretical subjects, ‘improvement of students’ concentration’, ‘class progression without time and space restrictions’, and ‘utilization of various contents and online functions’ were found as the positive functions of distance learning in theoretical subjects. Second, in the perception of physical education professors about the distance learning in theoretical subjects, ‘difficulties in adapting to online systems and developing contents’, ‘difficulties in maintaining class momentum and preventive class’, ‘lack of interaction between instructors and students’, and ‘problems of the attendance management and evaluation’ were found as the ne functions of distance learning in theoretical subjects.
Key Words
온라인 원격수업, 경험, 코로나19, 체육대학, 이론수업, Online distance learning, Experience, COVID-19, Physical education university, Theoretical class
The Positive Psychological Capitals formed by overcoming the state of Anti- Doping Sanctions 도핑 제재 극복과정에서 형성된 긍정심리자본
The Positive Psychological Capitals formed by overcoming the state of Anti- Doping Sanctions 도핑 제재 극복과정에서 형성된 긍정심리자본
윤영길 Youngkil Yun , 김현주 Hyeonju Kim
The purpose of this study was to explore the positive psychological capital formed by overcoming the state of Anti- Doping Sanctions. In This study, we collected an athlete’s social media posts from August 2016 to April 2021 as a single case of an athlete who experienced an anti-doping violation. Data analysis included frequency analysis using R and centrality analysis using UCINET 6 to visualize data in a semantic network. Additionally, we conducted an in-depth interview using the centrality index. As a results, First, positive psychological capitals included the following in the listed order; love, we, celebration, people, gratitude, etc., according to degree centrality; we, celebration, love, gratitude, happiness, etc., according to closeness centrality; we, people, happiness, gratitude, always, etc., according to betweenness centrality. Second, as a result of conducting an in-depth interview focusing on the extracted words, the player felt love and the feeling of being us by the significant others' after the trauma, and through this, she experienced feelings of gratitude and happiness. By perceiving the traumatic experience as a turning point in her life and thus making it an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of life and gratitude and take on a new challenge, the athlete developed positive psychological capitals such as optimism, hope, resilience, and confidence. We hope this study contributes to the psychological trauma coping of athletes subject to doping sanctions while improving our understanding of positive psychological capitals.
Key Words
심리적 외상, 심리자본, 도핑, SNS 분석, 단일사례연구, Psychological trauma, Psychological capital, Anti-doping, Social media services analysis, A single case study
Difficulties Experienced by Male Pilates Instructors in Performing Their Role and Strategies to Overcome Such Difficulties 남성 필라테스 지도자가 겪는 역할 수행의 어려움과 극복 전략
전형진 Jeon Hyung-jin , 이근모 Lee Keun-mo , 장승현 Jang Seung-hyun
Difficulties Experienced by Male Pilates Instructors in Performing Their Role and Strategies to Overcome Such Difficulties 남성 필라테스 지도자가 겪는 역할 수행의 어려움과 극복 전략
전형진 Jeon Hyung-jin , 이근모 Lee Keun-mo , 장승현 Jang Seung-hyun
The purpose of this study was to observe the difficulties and strategies to overcome·adapt to such environment. In order to achieve such goal the study proceeded with case study. As a result, ‘female-centric work environment’, ‘required distancing from female members’, ‘female exclusive group culture,’ were observed as difficulties experienced by male pilates instructors. ‘feminization or asecualitzation strategies’, ‘collaboration with female instructors’ were observed as the strategies of male pilates instructors. Such results allows us to see through the reality faced by male instructors as they work in a female-centric pilates community and confirms the distress, difficulties, and strategies these male instructors must overcome and come up with. Furthermore, these results ironically provides an oppportunity to reconsider the unfair treatment females must have experienced within the boundary of male-centric sports. In conclusion, the results of this study allowed us to understand the circumstances faced by male pilates instructors as well as the lives of the minority group within sports and organizations within sports.
Key Words
필라테스, 여성문화, 남성 필라테스 지도자, Pilates, Female culture, Male pilates instructors
The Impact of Professional Sports Player’s School Violence Incident on Sports Fans’ Intention to Watch Games in the Future: Moderating Effect of Team Identification and Gender of Sports Player 프로스포츠 선수의 학교폭력 사건이 스포츠팬의 향후 관람의도에 미치는 영향: 팀동일시와 스포츠선수 성별의 조절효과
The Impact of Professional Sports Player’s School Violence Incident on Sports Fans’ Intention to Watch Games in the Future: Moderating Effect of Team Identification and Gender of Sports Player 프로스포츠 선수의 학교폭력 사건이 스포츠팬의 향후 관람의도에 미치는 영향: 팀동일시와 스포츠선수 성별의 조절효과
권형일 Hyungil Kwon , 구태연 Taeyeon Koo
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of professional sports player’s school violence incidents on sport fans’ intention to watch games in the future and the moderating effects of sports fans’ team identification and gender of sports player in this causal relationship. To accomplish the purpose of this study, an online survey was conducted for male and female professional volleyball fans for 5days from October 8, 2021. Total of 427 valid responses were collected. Using SPSS 26.0 program, frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and repeated measure ANOVA were performed. The results of this study were as follow: First, it was found that the incident of school violence by sports player negatively influenced sports fans’ intention to watch games in the future. Second, it was found that the moderating effect of team identification was not significant in the relationship between sports player’s school violence incidents and sports fans’ intention to watch games in the future. Third, it was found that the moderating effect of gender of sports player was not significant in the relationship between sports player’s school violence incident and female sports fans’ intention to watch games in the future.
Key Words
학교폭력, 프로스포츠, 향후 관람의도, 팀동일시, 성별, School violence, Professional sports, Intention to watch games in the future, Team identification, Gender
Analysis of Competition Contents According to the Revision of the Judo Competition Rules: Comparison of 2016 Rio Olympics and 2020 Tokyo Olympics 유도 경기규칙 개정에 따른 경기내용분석: 2016년 리우올림픽과 2020년 도쿄올림픽 비교
이혜수 Lee Hye Su , 강성기 Kang Seoung Ki , 김은희 Kim Eun Hee , 전기영 Jeon Ki Young
Analysis of Competition Contents According to the Revision of the Judo Competition Rules: Comparison of 2016 Rio Olympics and 2020 Tokyo Olympics 유도 경기규칙 개정에 따른 경기내용분석: 2016년 리우올림픽과 2020년 도쿄올림픽 비교
이혜수 Lee Hye Su , 강성기 Kang Seoung Ki , 김은희 Kim Eun Hee , 전기영 Jeon Ki Young
This study compared and analyzed the 2016 Rio Olympics (429 games) and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics (426 games) to see how the contents of the event changed according to the revision of the judo rules. For data processing, frequency analysis, percentage (%), and cross-Vaildation (χ²) were performed, and the statistical significance level was set to ⍺=.05. As a result of the study, there was a difference in the scoring patterns of female athletes (p=.001), There was no difference in male athletes (p=.165). There was a difference in the score type of the Positive(p=001. p<.001), and there was a difference in the score type of the Negative for both males and females (p<.001, p<.001). Both male players (34.7%) and female players (17.2%) showed an increase in Golden Score matches. To summarize the results of this study, First, both male and female players increased Positive and decreased Negative, but it is difficult to interpret this as a positive result because the ippon for male players decreased. Second, due to the rule that ‘Shido’ cannot decide whether to win or lose, both men and women’s and women’s Golden Score matches have increased sharply. Third, due to the shortened game time for male players, overtime matches increased, which resulted in a decrease in ippon. In conclusion, as the International Judo Federation changed its rules of play, the goal of positive Judo was partially achieved, but not all goals were achieved. When introducing new rules by the International Judo Federation in the future, research on judo content analysis will be used as useful data in the field and is expected to contribute to the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics by continuously seeking research related to judo analysis.
A Study on the Future Dance Education Plan for Post-coronavirus Through the Analysis of Non-face-to-face Dance Classes by Dance Instructors 무용지도자의 비대면 무용수업 실태분석을 통한 포스트코로나 미래 무용교육 방안 연구
A Study on the Future Dance Education Plan for Post-coronavirus Through the Analysis of Non-face-to-face Dance Classes by Dance Instructors 무용지도자의 비대면 무용수업 실태분석을 통한 포스트코로나 미래 무용교육 방안 연구
김가은 Kim Ga-eun , 홍미성 Hong Misung
The purpose of this study is to derive effective instructional methods for non-face-to-face dance classes required in the field of dance education through an analysis of the actual conditions of non-face-to-face dance classes. For this purpose, 8 subjects including dance professors, full-time art high school instructors, etc. were selected for Research Subject 1, and 153 leaders who conducted non-face-to-face dance classes were selected for Research Subject 2. In the first stage of data analysis, the EXCEL program was used, and in the second stage, frequency analysis and t-validation were performed, and the results are as follows. First, a total of 48 items were selected through three Delphi questionnaires as questions for analyzing the status of non-face-to-face dance classes. Second, practical classes were the highest in the non-face-to-face dance class method, and less than 50-70% in achieving educational goals. In addition, the number of students per subject was less than 20, real-time lectures in the lecture method, schools in the place where classes were held, and 4 semesters in the frequency of classes were all 1-4 weeks and 2-3 hours per week. The path used to obtain information on textbooks was overwhelmingly high on YouTube, platform on ZOOM, and face-to-face evaluation on evaluation methods, and the difficulties in non-face-to-face dance classes were due to the limitations of delicate feedback, difficulty in securing dance class locations, and server down. Third, as a way to improve the teaching environment of instructors, it was found that they felt the greatest need to provide school-level equipment and to use various information and materials to help students understand the contents of education.